The Dark Tower **

This film is based on the final book in Stephen King’s ‘The Dark Tower’ series.

We are presented with the good guy Roland (Idris Elba) and the bad guy Walter (Matthew McConaughey) ready-made.  There is no real character building attempted so making it difficult to cheer for the hero or boo the baddie.

Neither appears to be totally good or evil, other than wanting to kill each other and destroy or protect The Dark Tower.

UnknownAll we know of this tower is that it is at the centre of everything.

Into this mix comes a troubled boy who has visions of The Dark Tower etc.

This is then all mixed together in a recipe of Sci-fi, Western and Coming of Age genres to produce a very bland, soggy bottomed, sponge of a film.

With little of Stephen King’s trademark horror or complexity, it has clearly been diluted to get a 12A certificate.

I hope the younger audience members will get more from it than I did, even be inspired to read the original stories.

Could easily have been a lot better. Shame.

Just 2 out of five stars this time.

2 thoughts on “The Dark Tower **”

  1. Never been a fan of Stephen King, The Shining and Misery apart. His written work,Pet Cemetery, TV series (IT especially) far too “odd” for my liking.

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